Country Village Day School currently has openings for our Pre-K programs. Space is limited. Please contact us to schedule a virtual tour!
Enrollment Procedures
Country Village is currently enrolling for ages six weeks through six years of age. Space is limited. Children attending Country Village on a part time basis may extend their time by paying an hourly fee after their part time care. These hours must be prearranged so we can make certain we have adequate staff to care for the children. Read More
Tuition and Fees
Tuition is based on full or part-time status and does not include fees for extracurricular activities (e.g. French Classes with Ms. Veronique, Dizzy's Tumblebus, Soccer Shots, Children's Computer Corner, Swimming Lessons, Field Trips, etc.).
Please contact LindaTepper@countryvillagedayschool.org for more information.